Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is this anyway?

I've been struggling lately with not being quite sure what "this" is. Why am I blogging? Is it because I'm trying to have a blog? Is it because my attempts to keep a journal get derailed by the fact that I write by hand so little that my hand cramps up after a page? Am I attempting to muddle through some of the larger debates that I'm having an issue with? Let's just say yes to all.

So lets talk about Swine Flu!!! The story first broke on April 24th. I sat down and did some math and figured out that since that day, during which there have been 169 Deaths, all of Mexican citizens (I believe) only ONE outside Mexico, that of a child. This is sad. Yes. HOWEVER in that same time period

336,000 have died of hunger and 84,000 people of AIDS

give me a break. This is a media created pandemic because it sells papers. FEAR SELLS PAPERS!
Honestly, I wouldn't even care to see all the television, radio and paper space taken up with tales of hunger and HIV/AIDs. How about the rediculousness that is becoming the Vancouver/Whistler 2010 Olympics? Briarpatch released it's May/June 2009 issue last week, and there's an amazing article on the Olympic Resistance Movement. (you can read part of it here) While I read it (having a lovely lunch by myself at my favourite place just a few minutes from the office) I couldn't help thinking, I would LOVE to go and protest this next winter. The irony is that, EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR spent by a protester during the 2010 Games is going to get wrapped up in that larger "THE OLYMPICS MADE THE CITY $XXXXX" And I don't want to be a part of that.
So I'm going to get my own little thing going, here in Regina.

In other news, sun is shining, I'm in flip flops and it's almost the weekend!! Love love love!